Last weekend I was in New Caledonia and two things came up while I was there!
I know what you were thinking!!.....
Well you were wrong!!
I was thinking of higher things!
1. The hotel wi-fi was FREE, yes gratis!
2. It was very fast, much faster than I had experienced at home here in Oz.
So I wondered how come an Island in the South Pacific can provide fast free internet to hotel guests, when here in Sydney (or most of Australia come to think of it) why is our internet so bad? And we have to pay $$$ for the use of it in hotels here?
check out the posts here
If you read any traveller magazines or newspapers you will know it is a major gripe of guests that the internet is VERY EXPENSIVE here, up to $35 for 24 hours access!!
I just don't get it, I know we are a large land mass with a relatively small population mostly concentrated around the eastern seaboard but why can't we get high speed internet access?
Well, I blame the government (and don't blame me, I didn't vote for them!)
Just saying......

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