Just to get you in the mood, here's a song from the 80's
Baby Moons, when did they become a thing?
I just did a google search and there were
About 45,200,000 results
It's big (literally) business apparently now!
Just check out some of these websites
Fancy a babymoon at Lizard Island?
Ideas for an Australian Babymoon
For the more international babymooner
This is what I found out about the baby moon. ( thanks to grandparents.com)
Considerable confusion surrounds the term "babymoon," due to its having two meanings. The word is obviously a spinoff from "honeymoon," but what exactly does it mean?
The most common meaning is a trip taken before a baby is born, in order for a couple to enjoy their childless state one last time. This concept has been heavily promoted by the travel industry, with many babymoons including such perks as spa days for the couple.
The second trimester is the most common time for such a getaway, since most couples do not want to be too far away from their doctors during the last trimester.
The second meaning, which was actually the original meaning, is a period of bonding immediately following a baby's birth. It coincides with maternity leave and paternity leave (when available). Many times parents exclude most visitors during this time.
The second type of babymoon is sometimes traced back to an Asian family tradition of postpartum confinement, or sitting the month, which involves a month of seclusion and pampering for mothers after they give birth. But in the Asian tradition, the maternal grandmothers are the ones who traditionally step in to help out so that the mother can rest.

So if I add up 4 baby moons that I'm owed, a gap year, a hen's weekend, and one week of high school work experience I reckon I'm good for at least a year off. So who's off with me?
Gray Schoolies, Gap Year, Post Dated Baby Moon take you pick!
Absolutely with you on this. I must have at least a year if you include missed 'schoolies', the kids etc. Where are we going? Can't wait :-)
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