Sunday Morning coming down,
One good thing to come of being a little bit older is that the idea of a hangover is pretty dire, hence my early removal from the party and my obligatory 9 hours of beauty sleep.
Sunday Morning was quiet, really quiet, I mean after the usual hub bub of noise that permeates the city, the still quiet of a Sunday morning was quite eerie. So I took advantage of it by spending some time reclining around reading "Catcher" and planning the day ahead.
Junior Goddess, also a very smart young woman also came home at a "reasonable" hour so she had been up and about and had been shopping to get us some fresh bagels for breakfast which we had with cream cheese, capers and smoked salmon, a very NY breakie if I may say so.
We checked out our bus map ( using our MTA pass again) and decide to go to Greenwich Village. So off we went to catch a cross town bus today to be Village People!
If you are a Sex and the City fan you would be interested to know a lot of the exterior shots were done in the Village. So without planning to do so we sort of did our own "mini" SATC tour.
Magnolia Bakery was first stop where I enjoyed my first ever peanut butter muffin and it was delicious, so much so I am going to try and make them when I go home.
Junior Goddess with our cup cakes
A bit of window shopping, I loved the window displays, they go to so much trouble to make them look enticing, here are a couple that I thought were really inspiring.
these are old hand mirrors, really wonderful effect |
Jo Malone's front window display |
more Jo Malone |
LIttle paper folded cranes |
I got a really beautiful orange suede clutch and necklace from this little store called Mint Julep. Goddess Jnr got her mojo on at Jo Malone and walked out a very happy woman.
And then lunch called (well, it was about 3pm) so we found an outdoor area at Frankies 570 ( on Hudson St), where we had an amazing Italian lunch.
Then another bus downtown to the south ferry, change over to another bus and off at East River Ferry to go over the Brooklyn to meet friends for a drink at the Wythe Hotel, which has a really lovely roof top bar area with a to die for view of Manhattan, so we drank a champers and then watch the sun go down. It was so nice we plan to go back next Sunday.
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