Sunday has been and gone and it is now Monday morning here.
What did we do yesterday you ask? What does any self respecting New Yorker do on a Sunday but Dim Sum (Yum Cha for us Aussies). We took some advice from a friend and caught the bus and then a taxi over to Canal Street. (The trains on our L line were out for service this weekend, just like at home!)
We were heading off to meet Daughter #1 and her husband for a bit of chow time at Jing Fong. It looked promising as there were hoardes of people outside waiting for a table, we took a number and then waited our alloated 45 minutes and hey presto, a table was free!
The queue was much longer than this one |
the place was huge, bigger than Marigold in Sydney
We dived into dumplings, chowed down on spring rolls, got our fill of steamed pork buns and an hour later were out on the street again! The service was a bit hit and miss but the food was terrific.
A walk to Mulberry Street, not far away to see "Little Australia" but if you blinked you would miss it! We ended up in this bar,
whose motto is "Life is short, drink early", it reminded me of a billboard I saw on the highway on the way to DC it said, Petrol is expensive, Drink and don't drive! A couple of vinous later and I was ready for home. The young ones went on to dinner and then out, while I went home, and read an entire book I had just purchased from Shakespeare and Co. It's called Astor Place Vintage, and it's set in NYC around the turn of the 20th Century and also contemporary. Anyway I loved it as it referred to a lot of NY history and areas that I knew. The book was so good it kept me up until 1am!
So here I sit now, retelling my day's activities to you, so I 'd best get off this computer and get to work or there will be not much to blog about tomorrow!
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