I'm getting a bit annoyed at some of the ads on the TV and radio that seem to think that if you are "over 50" you've got one foot in the grave, "no longer working full-time" (I wish) and spend all your time worrying about your pre-paid funeral!
So I asked myself, how old is old? Then I went to the source of all knowledge, the Internet and found this study which basically says old age is relative, the older you are the more generous you are in your assessment of what is "old".
OK I get it, I recall being a 20 something ( not that long ago, I'm not that old!) and thinking people of 40 were ancient and served no useful purpose in the world, and god forbid they should even think of having sex, that was for young people!
The number of businesses targeting the "grey" consumer is increasing; here is a list of what I found just by doing a quick search.....
Over 50s Insurance | Apia.com.au
plus a plethora of over 50's dating sites, in my search it pulled up 29,800,000 RESULTS !
Older singles are getting frisky on ‘Tinder for seniors ...
To me the thing is how you perceive your age ,
- how you feel "mentally" (about 18 most days!)
- how old you actually are (your biological age)
although I subscribe to Christian Dior's model of age
Women are most fascinating between the ages of 35 and 40 after they have won a few races and know how to pace themselves.
Since few women ever pass 40, maximum fascination can continue indefinitely.- Christian Dior
- and then there is how others see you; How old you look? do you "look your age" or are you "not bad looking for your age" or "don't look your age" or have you "not looked after yourself"
Then the issue arises how what is age appropriate behaviour, clothing, attitudes.
Since our life expectancy has increased over the last century our perception of "old has changed but I'm not sure some of our attitudes have considering my previous rant above. My grandmother died in her late 50's to me she was an "old lady", whereas I now do not consider myself "old ", and realistically we are not as "old. Our health is better, we have more opportunities to keep participating in life and most of us are now working in careers that allow us to work way past the "retirement age" ( what is that now ?) and hence my indignation at people over 50 being considered "old".
At the current cost of housing in Sydney I will be 80 before my mortgage is paid off! So I can sit and dream of 0ver 50's not working full time, over 50's resorts and holidays for seniors, for now I'm planning to be one of those most fabulous women who refuse to be defined by age.
Here are some over 50's poster girls for you
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