Wednesday, 13 August 2014

I just don't get it

I was driving up to Sydney today to have lunch with a lovely former work colleague, and as I am wont to do, was day dreaming and thinking....

Then I woke up in a nightmare!

A traffic jam on the M5 outside of peak hour, not unheard of,  but not a usual occurrence. Then, while  I was growing older,  sitting in the traffic queueing up,  I started to look up and saw a few signs that I thought, "why bother, or why do they have to tell us that", and I thought I would share my random musings with you, so here goes.

This sign, telling me that one day (in the future) the road will be wider! More traffic = more traffic jams.

My view on the M5, lucky I still made lunch on time!

More M5.....  INACTION!

I love this sign, IT IS ILLEGAL to use a mobile phone while driving, so please tell me, how I am supposed to look up the live traffic updates!  Maybe that sign should tell me what is happening ahead instead!!

Another thought, if I am using a tollway, and the speed is supposed to be 100 or 110 km/hour, I am assuming a contract exists between them and me, as I am paying for the privilege of driving at a faster speed with no traffic lights. So if they don't keep up their side of the bargain, (i.e. my speed ) then why should I pay for the joy of sitting in a car-park? So am I then permitted to make up my speed lost for the slow areas?

 NO, there are highways patrol all over the M5 just waiting for you to speed. I need to lawyer up, if they can take on the banks, I think someone needs to take on the RMS here in NSW.

 And the whole tricky thing here is that the so-called live traffic advisory signs ( like the one above) which should be telling me about the traffic conditions ARE TELLING ME NOTHING, AND TELLING ME TO USE MY PHONE! And then I cannot get off the tollway to use the FREE, PROBABLY,  NOT CONGESTED ROAD!
If I sound like a grumpy old lady I am starting to feel like that....

It's a bit like  Peter Finch in Network

for more grumpy old lady rants, see tomorrows post...

"The good old days"


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