Once upon a time, there was a woman who did everything she was expected to do: got an education, got a qualification, got married, ( maybe not in that exact order) had a family, worked hard and raised that family and then.....
what happened to her?....... ( ...insert thoughts here)
I think I need to go there!
Well, it's not going to be me!

Because I've made a decision to take a GRAY GAP YEAR ( although I'm not gray, but if I said a blonde gap year what would people make of that? You'd all think I'd gone all Paris Hilton etc, etc....)
and spend some time, doing nothing much, .... ( insert pregnant pause here)
and then something I've always wanted to do and never thought I could/would do *
(* you have to read to the end to find out).
My significant other found out about my decision on Facebook (as we do these days), when I decided to quit my very well paying corporate job and swan around at home.
To his credit he did not question my decision and fully supported it (might be due to the fact that he gets to partake in my gap year as well)
I seem to have missed out on a of a lot of things, that are now considered a right of passage.
like schoolies, (wasn't invented when I left school)
The swanning around university doing nothing much or being involved in student politics, (I went as mature student with 4 children) so, I was not doing much swanning around or drinking free beer with the student association. Plus I hate the smell of beer.
Free tertiary education, (I got an education and a HECS debt too!) paid now!
Baby bonus.
I thought that was the baby you got to take home from hospital! Not the money for a flat screen TV, so you watch TV and don't have the time or inclination to make more babies!
Family tax credits, (I credit my family with staying together and providing 4 new taxpayers for the economy)
Child Care Subsidy, when the aforementioned flat screen TV fails to work and you have another child, just old enough to mind the younger one!
so you can get my drift...
now the big news... ( insert drum roll...)
Glenquarry Goddess is going global!
I'm off the Europe in 6 weeks time for some sister time (my sister had moved to Amsterdam for work, she is the BIG TIME corporate gal!) and to spend some time with my sister in law whose daughter is going to have a baby in mid/late September and then do some free time travel to check out my gap year haunt*
For those who do not know, (and there is only a handful of you left) I'm going to live in Paris for 4 months next year and study at Le Cordon Bleu,
if you're not aware of it, you might have seen the film "Julie and Julia" well I am studying at the same place Julia Child did!
So I will be a post modern version of Julia Child with an Australian accent!
so, my new blog is going to be all about
Minding the Gap! (Year)
So please mind the gap, and stay tuned.....
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