Thursday, 8 March 2012

It's not raining men..... yet!

Since moving back to the country I have been obsessed with the weather, particularly rainfall. It may have something to do with the fact that we are on tank water and if we are not careful and we have a long dry spell between rain storms we can find ourselves in the position of having to pay to have water trucked in and put into our tanks.

As we all know we have been inundated with rain this spring/summer and our rain gauge has been over 100mm at least 3 times since Christmas, that is a lot of  H2O!

Today Sydney city basically shut down due to torrential rain, I was in the city last night for the French film festival (more on that on another post) and had an appointment this morning in town at a hospital for work. I managed to get out of the city and home in one piece but  it was when I got home that I had the best fun. We went flood chasing!

Like those crazy people who chase tornado's etc I love a good flood ( as long as no property or people are in danger that is)  during my way home I went to the weir and checked it out, it was flooded!  here is a pic of it, this is a part of the Wingecaribee river which is normally about 10 metres wide and runs alongside a bike/walking track, it is completely submerged and the river is about 500 metres wide in sections.

I drove home eagerly to get my significant other and go out to local spots and check out the flooding, it was awesome ( and you know how I hate to overuse that word, but it was!) so here are some pics.

FYI our own property is safe as we are very high and on a slope but we have a mini waterfall in our back paddock and if we stand outside we can hear the stream across the road which usually only has the sounds of the frogs, now sounding like a rushing river.

But as we all know courtesy of Tony Rabbit ( abbott) climate change is crap!



Vin Cent said...

Why does this remind me of Bob Dylan's song Rainy Day Women? It shouldn't.

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