One of the driving reasons we wanted to move out of the city and onto a property was to have some dogs. We got a dog when we first started going out and she lived for 17 years. After Pavlova (that was her name) died we just stuck to cats, but hey, they are not dogs are they?
When our daughter Meaghan got her own Pug dog the whole family were quick to adopt her, and the term "Pug Napping" was coined which was the adjective ( pug napped the verb) for taking the Pug to your place for a visit or sleepover! She was sooo tiny when she was small I used to put her in my handbag a la Paris Hilton and take her to Norton St shopping! We used to take her to the Dog Park at Haberfield and order puppicinos for her, and pretend she was our! Anyway I digress..

so we moved to the country and got a dog, but not a proper farm working dog but a little yappy dog ( Australian silky terrier) called Mr Bazil or Baz as he is know or BAZIL ( imagine here Sybil Fawlty calling!) Here is a pic of him when we first got him, the most notable thing is how white the lounge is ( we had to change the covers, white lounge + dog does not add up!
Because we were both away a lot during the day we decided to get him a companion so luckily the breeder still had his sister so we got her, she was already named Scarlett so I just add the "Miz" so she is known as Miz Scarlett ( like in gone with the wind) or as our daughter Verity calls her "Scar"!
Anyway our children now come down and visit us, check out the fridge and see all the little special delights in the fridge and ask who are they for, when I say "the puppies" I get told that the dogs get better looked after than they ! ( a bit of exaggeration there, me thinks).
But maybe not just our dogs are spoiled? Yesterday I made an appointment with my hairdresser to have my usual hair maintenance next week, no problem. When I need to got the dogs washed and trimmed it is a minimum 4 week ahead booking, no joke! sometimes you can get an emergency appointment if someones dog dies or something, but around here it is more competitive that getting your child into a private school !
so after booking them in over a month ago Mr Bazil and Miz Scarlett will have their doggy day spa ( no joke it is really like that!) next Wednesday, so I will put some pics up then of their new look!
Finally here is a lovely picture of our dogs + puggy asleep on our lounge all together, pls note the non-white more practical lounge!
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