Monday, 17 December 2012

Washing Day

Traditionally Monday was washing day, this was the day that housewives spent boiling the copper and hand washing and wringing the laundry in those long gone days before washing machines.

Well, since today is Monday I thought I would  air some of my dirty laundry secrets with you,
are you ready?

I wash and recycle my zip lock bags!

There it is out for all to see.

I think it is a waste to use them only once. Obviously I have standards on which ones I reuse. Not any that have had meat in them, or been used for frozen food, but if it has been just for dry goods and there are no holes and the zip lock works, why not re-use I say. I was doing my pre-Christmas pantry clean up and managed to find 12 bags of various sizes that were worthy of reuse so here they are drying on the line.

and here is one of the nicely rearranged pantry, ( note the use of the labeller for the canisters, very classy me thinks!)

I did a straw poll with some girlfriends the other day at lunch and it was 50-50 on whether this was a tight arse thing to do or not, have you got an opinion?  Have you any dirty little secrets you would like to confess to me, remember confession is good for the soul.

Me, I'm off now to clean up the saucepan cupboard, I wonder what  I will find to blog about from that adventure!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

50 is not 50 anymore!

Warning, this post is about people over 50, it may cause some readers offence!

I don't know about you but I am getting a bit peeved by all these ads lately for the "over 50's" for example

# have you got your funeral plan insurance sorted?

# now you're over 50 and no longer working full time you qualify for Australian Pensioners Insurance!

# radio discussions on "old" ( i.e over 50 years ) workers

What the %$#@ is this all about??

Don't they know that 50 is now the new 35, give or take a couple of years :-)

I wish I could retire or not work full time but with the size of my mortgage I'll probably be in the workforce until my 80's ( what a prospect!)

I don't plan to drop off the perch anytime soon ( see above, re: mortgage) and if I do, I don't think my family will be left destitute for my environmentally friendly burial.

Why are companies so keen to make us feel "old"?

Isn't it bizarre that when you are young you want to be seen and look older, then when you are older, you want to be young ( or some of us just want to be who we are, not seniors at the age of 50!)

It is well known that we are healthier than even before, more of us are still working and engaged in society, so why are some companies using age as their marketing strategy?  Is it the fear factor of growing old, I am not sure but it sure doesn't work for me, and a lot of people I know.

Remember the old phrase  " an oldie but  a goodie" is not a reference to people!

Less ageism please.

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