Monday, 14 May 2012

Pen Pals

I have a confession to make, I love to collect pens from hotels.
there it's out!

I don't think I am the only person who likes to collect hotel pens, but recently when I cleaned out my desk drawers I found a secret stash of over 30 pens from various hotel chains around the world, and this is not counting the half dozen or so that are resident in my various handbags.

The best bit is looking at the pens and remembering the trips that led to their becoming resident in my desk drawers, so I am going to share some of my best pen memories!....

My favourite are the pink ones pictured below that are from the Langham Hotel in Melbourne, my significant other  and I spent a romantic get a way there a while back. They are quite girly, so I expect the men staying at the Langham might not be interested in souveniering these!

the Novotel one was from a work trip where we stayed at the St Kilda Novotel in 2010, I expect to increase my stock of Novotel pens later this year when we do another work trip and stay there.

Oh La La!  I lurve the Sofitel hotels in both Sydney and Melbourne, and as you can see I have spent a fair bit of time accumulating these pens, although not as pretty and girly as the Langhams's they write beautifully.

Marriott is a good brand, we usually stay at them when we are travelling however this one is from a recent overnight stay for work just near my office.

How about something more exotic?..

This is from an work award trip where I got to go to Dubai. Although it is a pencil not a pen it was deemed worthy of my collection. Initially I was less than impressed with the idea of going to Dubai, but WOW it was a wonderful trip, an amazing place, desert, shopping malls with ski fields, and fabulous hotels. Oh that reminds me of a story about something I saw there that amused me, but I will save that for a later post.  A girl should not disclose everything on a first date, I need you to want to come back for more!  ;-)

But this one has got me beat, I may have never been to me, but I am pretty dam sure that I have not been to Kathmandu either but somehow I have managed to get this one into my collection!

Perhaps my pens are not having an exclusive relationship with me but are seeing other people and somehow I have ended up with this rather intriguing little number. Dare I suggest there may have been some pen swapping action going on?

Just to finish off I will show you a a little bit more of my collection...

so I've showed you mine, how about you show me yours??

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