Monday, 17 December 2012

Washing Day

Traditionally Monday was washing day, this was the day that housewives spent boiling the copper and hand washing and wringing the laundry in those long gone days before washing machines.

Well, since today is Monday I thought I would  air some of my dirty laundry secrets with you,
are you ready?

I wash and recycle my zip lock bags!

There it is out for all to see.

I think it is a waste to use them only once. Obviously I have standards on which ones I reuse. Not any that have had meat in them, or been used for frozen food, but if it has been just for dry goods and there are no holes and the zip lock works, why not re-use I say. I was doing my pre-Christmas pantry clean up and managed to find 12 bags of various sizes that were worthy of reuse so here they are drying on the line.

and here is one of the nicely rearranged pantry, ( note the use of the labeller for the canisters, very classy me thinks!)

I did a straw poll with some girlfriends the other day at lunch and it was 50-50 on whether this was a tight arse thing to do or not, have you got an opinion?  Have you any dirty little secrets you would like to confess to me, remember confession is good for the soul.

Me, I'm off now to clean up the saucepan cupboard, I wonder what  I will find to blog about from that adventure!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

50 is not 50 anymore!

Warning, this post is about people over 50, it may cause some readers offence!

I don't know about you but I am getting a bit peeved by all these ads lately for the "over 50's" for example

# have you got your funeral plan insurance sorted?

# now you're over 50 and no longer working full time you qualify for Australian Pensioners Insurance!

# radio discussions on "old" ( i.e over 50 years ) workers

What the %$#@ is this all about??

Don't they know that 50 is now the new 35, give or take a couple of years :-)

I wish I could retire or not work full time but with the size of my mortgage I'll probably be in the workforce until my 80's ( what a prospect!)

I don't plan to drop off the perch anytime soon ( see above, re: mortgage) and if I do, I don't think my family will be left destitute for my environmentally friendly burial.

Why are companies so keen to make us feel "old"?

Isn't it bizarre that when you are young you want to be seen and look older, then when you are older, you want to be young ( or some of us just want to be who we are, not seniors at the age of 50!)

It is well known that we are healthier than even before, more of us are still working and engaged in society, so why are some companies using age as their marketing strategy?  Is it the fear factor of growing old, I am not sure but it sure doesn't work for me, and a lot of people I know.

Remember the old phrase  " an oldie but  a goodie" is not a reference to people!

Less ageism please.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Cows are mothers too....

I have a beef,

no, not a piece of meat, but a BEEF, in case you are not aware, it has more than one meaning,
thanks to Wikipedia for this :


The flesh of a cow, bull, or ox, used as food.
complain - grumble - repine - grouse - moan
and that is what I am about to do, but for  a good reason.

One of the joys of living in the country is the sound of the night. Not traffic, but animal noises, here we have frogs mostly due to the spring just across the road, but a couple of times a year we get the cows mooing, or as I like to say having a beef (verb).

I didn't know until I moved here that when the calves are taken from their mummies the poor mummy cows moo and moo looking for their baby!  It breaks my heart!

They are mothers too, and they are missing their offspring!  Last night it went on and on and on and on ( get my drift?) and I am there lying awake and feeling their pain!

Imagine if your baby was just taken away from you with no explanation  ( oh sorry it was done, talking about forced adoptions ) but in this case you can probably guess where the calf went. To the next paddock I hope for a long and happy life!

 But I jest,  the issue for me is living so close to where your food comes from. I find it hard to associate the lovely cow and calves in the paddocks all around me with the piece of disassembled protein wrapped in plastic in my supermarket. Dare I say I almost become a vegetarian at these times of the year as I feel the mothers pain?

Anyway for you city dwellers I just wanted to share with you one of the (few) tribulations of living in the country and a couple of pictures of my favourite cows, Belted Galloways. Gotta love their Chanel Style, a little black dress with a bit of a white belt to accentuate  their waist!


A chip off the old block!

Mum, its cold outside!

See, cows love their children too!

hard day at the office??

Tuesday, 14 August 2012


Last Saturday we had our local farmers markets in Bowral.  Now I confess I am not a regular attender (never out of bed and ready in time!) but this weekend I wanted to go and have a look see what was on offer.

We became Weber BBQ owners about a month ago and been keenly testing it out, with our rotisserie, the pizza stone and this Saturday it was time for us to smoke!  (But we did not inhale, :-)  )

I went a bit crazy on the meat side, and bought a standing rib roast, a wonderful piece of free range pork, a free range chook and the piece de resistance was a Thirlmere Duck breast. For those of you who do not know about these, check it out  Thirlmere Duck  is featured in some of the best restaurants in Australia, indeed I remember a wonderful dinner with had a few years ago with my sister  in law and brother in law at Grossi Florenti in Melbourne  see here  where I if I recall correctly everyone had Thirlemere Duck except me!  And the man selling it at the farmers market told me that if I was flying Qantas First Class I would have Thirlmere Duck on the menu ( a bargain at $16,000 a ticket!) I settled on the $17 double breast alternative.

 Anyway I digress. I though it would be good to try smoking the duck breast and doing the chicken as well on the rotisserie.

So here's what I did to make Kate's Smoked Thirlmere Duck Breast with truffled honey and orange.

I patted the duck breast dry with some kitchen paper towel, and then put some truffle salt on the skin side.

Thirlmere Duck Breast

One of my goodies from the Truffle hunt, I just sprinkled it over the duck breast

Duck Breast with truffle salt on the skin side

Another one of the goodies I bought home! It is also wonderful served over goats cheese.

mixed the truffle honey, about 2 teaspoons  with the juice of 1/2 an orange

I marinated the duck breast for about 1 hour, but you could do it overnight if you had time,  Then placed it on the Weber with the hickory wood smoking and this is my final result, a lovely smokey flavour, with sweetness from the honey truffle and  still pink on the inside. Overall cooking time in the Weber was about 90min, but I was watching it like a mother hen ( forgive the pun!)

The final result!

The chook was great as well, but I didn't do anything special with that, but it makes a great cold meat for salad or as I did today a toasted sandwich.

I felt quite proud of myself, as I have never been a "duck" person, but really feel that going out of my comfort level ( food wise that is!) was worth the effort, and I am planning to offer this dish to my friends in the future.

Have you ever challenged yourself in the food arena, either by trying something new or cooking something out of your comfort zone?

Friday, 10 August 2012

Up Up and Away

Last Friday night we went to see Pam Ann in Sydney, Yes, we had a night in the Big City, we went out and had a social life!!  I lurve Pam, I have seen her before and enjoyed her show on Foxtel a couple of years ago.

For those of you who don't know Pam, she is the ultimate Air Hostess, yes a Hostess with the mostest, not just a Flight Attendant but a Hostie in the good old fashioned sense.

Pam Ann, the Hosties' Hostess.

So we entered our business class seats in the State Theatre and prepared for Take off. I must say that I think my significant other was the only hetrosexual male in the whole theatre, but boy was there a lot of nice eye candy there ( what a waste, I say!)

The take off was a bit bumpy, but Pam soon had us laughing in the aisles with her stories and rants about the joys of flying.  A poll of the audience revealed a number of flight crews from various airlines present and then she began to mock them all, especially Virgin.

The business class seat demonstration was hilarious. I must say the language was very blue, but the expletives only added to the hilarity of the stories.

The inflight entertainment included news reels of various air disasters, which really made me feel glad that I was safe on the ground.

Pam does not have intervals in her show, she says "The venues hate me" but I don't give a shit!! She's my kinda of girl.

Pam's website is here she does shows all over the world, so as Molly would say do yourself a favour and go and see her. You can also see some videos of her performances to get an idea of what she's like.

I would say it was a great night out, and it really beat my usual Friday night of Silent Witness on the ABC ( but thank God for iview I could watch that the next night!).

Monday, 6 August 2012

A mere Truffle....

The other weekend we went to Oberon in the central highlands to go to a Truffle Hunt. I was really looking forward to it and seeing how the truffle dogs worked and see a truffle up close and personal. My sister gave me a fresh truffle last year after doing the same hunt and I loved using it in the kitchen, so when she suggested we go with them, we were up for it!

In order to make the most of our weekend we planned a night away. Now you all know that I am a bit off 5 star accommodation at the moment ( unless some else is footing the bill, that is) so I search for some local pub accommodation which we have found recently offer excellent value for money.  We also planned a bit of a meander around the roads to see some areas we have not traversed for over 20 years.

Saturday morning saw us off about 10 ( still like my sleep in) anticipating the drive would have us arrive at 1.30 in time for a 2pm hunt. We decided to go via Goulburn along the highland way through Bundanoon which is much more scenic ( and apparently according to Google shorter than using the main highway). Turning off at Goulburn we headed west stopping at the quaint little town of Taralga which was originally settled by the workers on the Macarthur (yes, them of the merino fame) estate located nearby history of Taralga. We had coffee at the Taralga Girl Cafe and here is a picture of it ( before it was a cafe)
Taralga Girl cafe site on R, circa 1880,

really good coffee, blazing warm open fire and great friendly country service, do stop there if you are ever going through.

Twenty minutes later we were back on the road and heading into the mountains. I had a lot of fun using an app on my iPhone seeing how high we were getting,  (not THAT kind of high!)  with 1250m or thereabout being the measure.

After a short detour through Oberon we found out destination 9km out of town on Lowes Mount Road.
Here is where we went. Sue and Colin Roberts were our hosts and I can say the hunt was great fun and very informative. They trained their own Truffle dog, a very well fed black Labrador, apparently there is a shortage of trained dogs available. We follow behind the dog up and down the rows and when he smells a truffle he starts to dig under the tree.

sniffing the ground for truffles

We did find some truffles and Sue then does a taste and demo on what to look for in truffles ( beware of Chinese imitations!). Some of the fabulous food ideas were: honey infused truffle with hazelnuts served over fresh goats cheese, 
 (that will be making an appearance at my place), truffle omelette, and the piece de resistance .... truffle ice-cream. A very adult ice-cream, which I shall try when I have my new kitchen.

We stayed at the historic O'Connell Hotel which is located half way between Bathurst and Oberon. Built in 1865 you can see the wattle and daub of the building under glass in the main bar. Our room was small but perfectly formed with a wonderful electric blanket. Dinner was served in the dining room and we both had the best steak I have ever had cooked by someone else. After dinner we spent some time in the bar taking in the atmosphere and local colour.

A wonderful restful sleep and it was off to breaky. The hotel does not do breakfast but 100 meters down the road is the most wonderful cafe see here.

After breakfast it was off again via Wombeyan Caves which we plan to visit in November with the whole family for a weekend, they have cabin and camping sites for rent.

A drop into the Burrawang Belle's maison for a coffee and then we were home.

I am still eking out my truffle, storing it in a glass jar wrapped in kitchen paper with 2 fresh eggs which take on the aroma of the truffle, great for an omelette or scrambled eggs.

It was only 1 day and night away but we felt really refreshed and relaxed, I think mini-breaks are great for your soul, what about you???

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Dog Day Afternoon

Last week Mr Bazil and Miz Scarlett had their doggy day spa day. We usually wash them at the local pet store every month or so, they have a hydrobath which is really good to use. However there are some things that even a devoted puppy mummy can't ( or won't ) do, like the doggie brazillian, and their nails, hence the doggy day spa here they come!

We tried a new one that just opened here in Bowral, called Dog Addiction and a lovely lady called Rebecca runs it and she did an amazing job on the puppies, and they even got a "pup" cake at the end for their afternoon tea when they got home. What a service!

We had a overnight in Sydney and decided to take the new newly groomed puppies to a leash free dog park, Cafe Bones  check it out here anyway this is one of our favourite places to hang out and get the vibe. Even when we didn't have a dog we still used to go and watch all the dogs running around. The people there are all really friendly, my feeling is that anyone who loves dogs must be a nice person.

As our dogs live on a property they don't socialise a lot so this is also an attempt for us to show them  they are not the only dogs on the planet! Sadly I don't think they get the message. Big Brave Baz is slightly better now that he has been there a couple of times and will run around with the other dogs for a little while,  but poor little Scarlett spends most of the time either on my lap or cowering under the table. 

The finale to this dog tale is that then puppies had their annual check up on Monday at the vet, 1kg difference between them ( guess who is the lighter?)  they are both fit and healthy except that Mr Baz needs to come back next week to go under to get his teeth cleaned. I was mortified when I heard, they get chicken bones for their teeth, and just when I felt like I was about the get the Bad Puppy Mummy award, the vet said that is was nothing to do with his "parenting", he just doesn't chew his food enough and give his teeth a proper workout so now his reward for being a food bolter, is another visit to the vet next week.

Have you felt your "pet parenting" credentials under threat???

For the dog lovers here are some more photos from cafe bones.... enjoy!
English sheep dog 

Lots of space to sit in the sun and have a coffee

Mr Bazil investigating the smells around the tree

Mr Bazil lookoing for a pat from a stranger

All creatures great and small gather here

Even a special menu for that special dog in your life!

And the puppy mummies and daddies can have something as well!

Thursday, 12 July 2012

The Nanny Blogger

There has been a lot of media coverage lately about the rise of the Mummy Bloggers. My friend Baby Mac see her blog here has been featured quite prominently in this genre on various media outlets,  radio interviews,  newspaper and magazine stories she even made it to the The Project on channel 10. I feel quite chuffed to know someone so famous!

So I want to jump on the bandwagon, and I want to predict the advent of the Nanny Blogger!  Now I am not a grandmother (yet, and not expecting to be one in the very near future, but one can always been hopeful!) but I would like to think that we Nanny's ( or to be)  can have a bit of fun and discuss things which interest us  too! Equal Opportunity that's my mantra!

Check out my BFF Karen's new blog here and get ready for Nanny Bloggers!

BTW I still think it is hilarious that the blogger website still does not recognise the words Blog and Blogger and always highlights them in the spell check! ;-)

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Baby Steps

Well I'm back from the Grace Kelly road trip, and boy did I enjoy the trip. It was really interesting to see the wide (flat) world past the Great Divide and get some real country time up my sleeve. I am going to do a longer post on the trip but this little gem is a taster, the picture does not do it justice, but it is a pair of baby bootees in leopard print!

I may be out of the baby wear loop at the moment but I can appreciate what the well dressed baby girl should be wearing this winter and this one to me is a real winner!

This little gem was on display in a store in Griffith and my significant other had to hold me back from running in and buying them for a future granddaughter (hey it's never too early to start a killer wardrobe). 

I must say they never had such stylish baby clothes when my kids were young, so what do you  think, what age is acceptable for leopard print??????

Thursday, 14 June 2012


Guess What,   I got to be rock chick for a night recently! Given my age, that is a bit of a blast from the past, but at Exhumed! I was one of the young ones.

For those of you unlucky enough not to know what I have talking about, have a look here and then come back and read of my adventure at Exhumed!

The moment I heard James Valentine talk about this on the radio I said to my Significant Other "We will be there, oh yes we shall" and I moved hell and high water to make sure we were there!

Big decisions had to be made, like what footwear?

Would we need ear plugs?

A bit of rock chick hair magic!

Excitement builds as we arrive at
Rooty Hill

The Bands 

Just like a real rock concert, security and wrist band!

Maybe a concession to the age of the audience? Seating for all

Prime seating, just behind the Judges:
L-R Barry Divola, Wendy Matthews, Tommy

We had a absolutely wonderful time, I was totally amazed by the quality of the music that was played that night, just ordinary people who loved making and playing music together. 

I want to thank ABC 702 for putting it on, and I am eagerly waiting for next year, I even kept my wrist band!

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Road Trip

This picture is a clue to something, can you guess?
There are a lot of things in the photo that relate to me

1. I am blonde
2. I am a princess (of sorts)
3. I love to drive fast cars
4. I have a convertible
5. My significant other is as lovely as Cary Grant

Give up?

We are going on a road trip to Bendigo to see the Grace Kelly exhibition! see here for more info

I have always loved Grace Kelly and managed to see an exhibition of her memorabilia a few years back at the Victoria and Albert in London. I heard the curator of this exhibition talking about how she managed to convince the family to lend more to the exhibition, hence me driving fast to take a look.

So I am going to channel my inner Grace Kelly for a few days doing a road trip through south west
NSW and Victoria. So strap yourself in, and join me, I promise there will be good food and wine on the way and lots of interesting things to see on the way.

First stop tomorrow: Griffith.
See you tomorrow!

i've been everywhere man!

I have to apologise to my readers, due to overwhelming demand from you ( well one of you at least!) to know what I have been up to  (obviously not blogging enough) I have my letter of absence to explain why I have absent without your leave.

So here goes

Been to Noo Zeeland for a work trip

Saw 10 movies at the French Film Festival

Easter celebrations ( and a lazy Easter Sunday lunch for 17!)

House guests x 2

Exhumed! ( if you have to ask you will have to wait for the revelation!)

caravan and camping show

historical cemetery tour ( nothing to do with Exhumed!)

Anzac day family get together

Airport farewells

Mothers Day

Long weekend

Renovating our laundry ( here's a picture to prove)

Putting in a new water tank (I expect the rain will stop now!)

and work sometimes gets in the way as well! :-)

I hope you will accept my apologies, if you are looking for me, I'll be airing my dirty laundry!

Monday, 14 May 2012

Pen Pals

I have a confession to make, I love to collect pens from hotels.
there it's out!

I don't think I am the only person who likes to collect hotel pens, but recently when I cleaned out my desk drawers I found a secret stash of over 30 pens from various hotel chains around the world, and this is not counting the half dozen or so that are resident in my various handbags.

The best bit is looking at the pens and remembering the trips that led to their becoming resident in my desk drawers, so I am going to share some of my best pen memories!....

My favourite are the pink ones pictured below that are from the Langham Hotel in Melbourne, my significant other  and I spent a romantic get a way there a while back. They are quite girly, so I expect the men staying at the Langham might not be interested in souveniering these!

the Novotel one was from a work trip where we stayed at the St Kilda Novotel in 2010, I expect to increase my stock of Novotel pens later this year when we do another work trip and stay there.

Oh La La!  I lurve the Sofitel hotels in both Sydney and Melbourne, and as you can see I have spent a fair bit of time accumulating these pens, although not as pretty and girly as the Langhams's they write beautifully.

Marriott is a good brand, we usually stay at them when we are travelling however this one is from a recent overnight stay for work just near my office.

How about something more exotic?..

This is from an work award trip where I got to go to Dubai. Although it is a pencil not a pen it was deemed worthy of my collection. Initially I was less than impressed with the idea of going to Dubai, but WOW it was a wonderful trip, an amazing place, desert, shopping malls with ski fields, and fabulous hotels. Oh that reminds me of a story about something I saw there that amused me, but I will save that for a later post.  A girl should not disclose everything on a first date, I need you to want to come back for more!  ;-)

But this one has got me beat, I may have never been to me, but I am pretty dam sure that I have not been to Kathmandu either but somehow I have managed to get this one into my collection!

Perhaps my pens are not having an exclusive relationship with me but are seeing other people and somehow I have ended up with this rather intriguing little number. Dare I suggest there may have been some pen swapping action going on?

Just to finish off I will show you a a little bit more of my collection...

so I've showed you mine, how about you show me yours??

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